India Chapter)
Our Gratitude to WMO Central Board :-
The WMO Youth Wing addresses key
issues affecting the youth in India and aims to strengthen the Memon community
through meaningful youth participation. I sincerely thank all the office
bearers of the WMO Central Board for expressing confidence and conferring me
with the responsibilities of the Youth Wing in India.
My team assures you that we will
try our best to successfully run and manage the Youth Wing of WMO India Chapter.
We will create awareness among the Youth of our community and with maximum
participation, use their expertise for the upliftment and betterment of our
community at large.
After Mumbai, Aurangabad &
Akola we intend to launch WMO Youth Wings in Surat, Ahmedabad, Indore and many
more cities in the near future.
I also thank Mr Iqbal Memon
Officer who is the Mentor of our Youth Wing. He is attached to various social
organizations since decades and devotes a majority of his time for the welfare
of the underprivileged strata of our community at large. He travels regularly
and has a vast experience with regards to the problem faced by our community
and also their current economic scenario. He fully co-operates and guides and
is always available for the WMO India Chapter.
I also thank Mrs Masila Naviwala
(Dy Chairperson – Youth Wing WMO India Chapter) and all members of WMO Youth
Wing and well wishers of Interim Committee.
We have successfully organized
many programmes of the Youth Wing and InshaAllah in the future we shall
endeavor to hold many more events at a national stage to create awareness among
the youth of our community and to uplift our community in ‘TOTO’.
Ashraf Chasmawala Chairperson – Youth Wing (WMO India Chapter)
Initiation Ceremony of Youth Wing in MUMBAI
On 27th September, 2013 (evening)
Youth Wing Initiation Ceremony
The ceremony was held on the 27th of September
at Kolsa Mohalla Jamaatkhana.
The Chief Guest was Mr. Shahid Sangani(WMO COO)
who specially flew down from Sri Lanka to attend this momentous occasion.
It was hosted by Youth Wing Mentor Mr. Iqbal Hamid
Memon Officer.
The event was supported by distinguished WMO
members, Mrs.Raziya Chashmawala, Mr.Zikar Virani, Mr. Asif Khatri and Mr.Idris
It was a packed house with the respected heads of
state, Prof Sohail Lokhandwala (Ex MLA), Adv. Yusuf Abrahani (EX MLA) and Mr.
Nizamuddin Rayeen (Spokes Person – Congress Committee) & various prominent
personalities of the community and Memon Jamat heads attended the function in
huge gathering.
There was an elite gathering of the Memon Community
in the form of doyens of industries, philanthropists, humanitarians such as
Mr.Hamid Nathani, Mr. Afzal Patka, Mr. Baba Supariwala, Mr Haroon Chunawala to
name just a few.
Most of the senior journalists were present to
cover the ceremony from prestigious publications like "The Times of
India" and "The Urdu Times"
The most important part of this illustrious
audience were the bright and enthusiastic youngsters who made exemplary
speeches and presentations
Shehzad Yusuf Abrahani, Mrs Rizwana Punjwani, Mr
Imran Fruitwala and Mr Javed Iqbal Memon (Officer) were the stars of the show.
Not to be left behind all the youngsters introduced
themselves in the most confident manner sharing their vision and causes close
to their hearts for the betterment of the community and humanity.
A fantastic team was made to carry out the youth
activities and with such a dynamic group, all I can say is the best is yet to
I conclude with a Henry Ford quote.
Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.Working together is
Award Presented to Mr. Shahid Sangani - "Memon of the Year". |
Launch of FORGOTTEN FACES in BHIWANDI (Maharashtra)
On 27th September, 2013 (morning)
The "Forgotten
Faces" initiative was launched at Bhiwandi. A bustling township around 50
kms from Mumbai.
The event was hosted by
the Bhiwandi Women's Educational & Welfare Trust and supported by the NSS
(National Services Scheme) wing of the G.M.Momin Ladies College.
The main highlight of the
event was the presentation of the ten photographs along with their verbal
Through these the WMO
Youth Wing intends to share the woeful plight of our less fortunate brothers and
sisters with the world so that funds could be procured to ease their misery and
Mr. Shahid Sangani(COO
WMO) graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
The event was well
attended and the hall was packed to its rafters. The organization was remarkable,
right from the Tilawat e Quran at the start, to the eloquent compere Mr.
Shoaib, the dynamic event manager Mrs Aqsa, the amazing cinematographer Mr.
Mohsin and the entire dependable team of the Bhiwandi Women's Educational and
Welfare Trust. Special mention of Mrs. Sharmin Batliwala and Mrs. Farheen.
The revelation of the
event was Mrs. Shabana Shehzad Darvesh. Not only did she organise the event in
a meticulous manner and encourage her entire team but made motivational
speeches which captivated the audience. Take a bow.
Last but not the least,
Mrs Aqsa was the heart of the ceremony. Her dedication and efforts
were there for all to see. We are so proud of her and her NSS team of the
G.M.Momin Ladies College.
We have promised funds to
those most afflicted by poverty and Inshallah hope to implement the FORGOTTEN
FACES program on a national stage after it met with phenomenal success at its
launch in Bhiwandi and helped us to accumulate funds for the poor of our
Forgotten Faces Initiative by Youth
An initiative by the WMO youth wing of the India Chapter.
As they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
This project is our
attempt at raising awareness in a hard hitting manner.
It is a two fold initiative that will help increase
the interaction between the youth and the poor of our community, resulting in
higher levels of empathy , kindness and understanding on the part of the
younger generations.
The most soul searching photographs that brings a
tear to the eye or a lump in the throat will be posted on the official WMO
website for the world to see.
"FORGOTTEN FACES" was born the day I made
the trip to the Mehkar village with Shahid bha and saw the uninhabitable and
inhuman conditions in which the destitute live. It was a first hand experience
of the dark side of humanity.
That was the day I realised the value of WMO. WMO
stands for a cause. The cause is to serve our community and humanity.
If the people in Mehkar had just sent a few
pictures of the dilapidated conditions in which those homes were almost falling
apart or the pictures of the innumerable people staying like tin sardines in a
hell hole it would have saved us a trip and those pictures would have been
sufficient to melt the most cruel of hearts.
If the youth can just visit the homes of our less
fortunate brothers and sisters, listen to their sorrows and alleviate their
sufferings by providing their stories, pictures which would in turn lead to
them receiving funds from the WMO.
If we can transport the donors in the continents of
Africa, America, Europe and Asia to the homes of these destitute people.
If we can share the hunger, the lines and wrinkles
on their forgotten faces, their woeful sorrows and their terrible plight
through this program with the fortunate of our community.
If we can just remember them in our prayers.
I think it
would be a job well done and FORGOTTEN FACES would have achieved its objective.
The WMO India
Chapter will provide funds to those most afflicted by poverty to alleviate
their anguish and misery.
Mumtaz....the mighty emperor Shah Jehan
immortalised her by building the Taj Mahal.
This Mumtaz did not need an emperor to become a legend.
In a small
hutment in the slums of Madhavpur on the fringes of the bustling Bhiwandi
township stays Mumtaz with her blind mother and three small children.
Around 3 years ago, Mumtaz lost her husband to a
heart attack. He was one of those millions of migrant workers who came to the
power loom town of Bhiwandi to earn a livelihood.
His untimely demise made Mumtaz join work in a
power loom plant and her measly income did provide enough to make ends meet.
Not only did she look after her blind mother and
provide food on the table for her small children, she made it a point to
continue both her daughter's education so that they were not denied the right
to a brighter future.
Three months ago while walking back from work, a
slab of concrete fell on her from an under construction building. She had
severe hemorrhaging in the brain, both her knee joints were smashed and she was
hospitalized for three months.
After three operations and finally recovering from
the ordeal but losing the ability to walk, Mumtaz decided she still has to work
for getting two square meals on the table for her family.
The accident does not allow her to sit or stand.
She cannot stay in a still position for more than a couple of minutes.
But still with the help of a walker, she struggles
a few kilometers to a small plastic sheet factory where they provide her a seat
and she has to do minimal work.
With her income dwindling she was forced to put her
youngest child a son to a Madrassa where he would be imparted religious
education, given two square meals a day and a roof over his head.
Now she worries for her daughters' education and
their future because they refuse to leave her side to take care of their
mother's day to day simple needs of having to stand up or even use the
Mumtaz is the epitome of resilience, detemination
and the symbol of the fighting spirit of Memon, instilling in us the never say
die attitude which makes us all survive.
To add to that she is also a caring daughter, a
wonderful mother and an amazing human being.
WMO salutes
Report of Forgotten Faces
AGE: 30
AREA: Bhiwandi.
Polio patient works hard for survival if his family.
1) Polio Patient.2) House Problem.
3) children Educational Problem.4) need tricycle
1) Education welfare for both kids.
2) Medical Checkup.
3) House Facility.
4)tricycle cost 6580/-
AGE: 60
AREA: Bhiwandi.
PERSONAL INFORMATION : A widow, having 3 girls. , out of which one
is dead and her grand son is in Orphanage due to financial problem.
1) House Problem. 2) Education Problem.
3) Work Problem.
1) Education welfare. 2) House Facility.
3) She wants to do the business of Imitation Jewelry and need
4000/- to strart.
AGE: 50 AREA: Pathara.
PERSONAL INFORMATION: A vendor, living with a wife who is
suffering from brain Tumor .
1) Medical Problem.
2) House Problem.(Rs.130000 deposited for home and having home at
rental basis. Rent is 700 per month.)
1) Medical Facility.(3000/month for medicine+2000/month for consultancy) i.e. 60000 per year+ 2 lacks for
operation2) House Facility. (He already got help of Rs.100000.b He can purchase
his own house after paying from deposits and some of his own money, If he would
get the help of Rs.100000 3) Quotation
of store material is Rs.10344
AGE: 55
AREA: Mahapoli.
PERSONAL INFORMATION: A widow, having Polio. Her daughter got
married. Now she is living ALONE.
1) Medical Problem.
2) House Problem.
1) Medical Facility.
2) House Facility.
AGE: 36
PERSONAL INFORMATION: A widow, early got married. Having 4 kids (3
boys and a girl). Girl is studying in school. 1 son is in Orphanage
2 kids work with her.
1) Education Problem for kids.
2) House Problem.
3) Seeking for work.
1) she wants to do Beautician Course. Total fee for course with
material is around 4000 plus materials to start a parlour is is
2) House Facility. (2.5 lacks)
3) school fees. (Rs. 7000 for a girl)
AGE: 23
AREA: Bhiwandi.
PERSONAL INFORMATION: A polio patient who cleared IPCC- Group I.
Doing Group B as well Teaching. Feeling helpless to do further studies due to
travelling Problem.
1) Travelling Problem.
1) Medical welfare.
3) Activa for travelling.
(Rs. 65000 out of which he is ready to contribute Rs.10000. NET Amount is Rs.55000)
AGE: 60
AREA: Bhiwandi.
PERSONAL INFORMATION: A widow, seeking for work to fulfill her
basic needs.
1) Work Problem.
1) Providing House Facility.
2) Providing Work Facility.(she needs a shop where she can do
small Trade)
AGE: 55
AREA: Mumbra.
PERSONAL INFORMATION: A paralyzed patient, who sells Plastic combs
to fulfill his basic needs.
1) Seeking for suitable work.
2) House Problem.
3) Medical Help.
4) Education Help for kids.
1) Work Facility.
2) Medical welfare.
3) House Facility.
AGE: 85
AREA: Akola.
PERSONAL INFORMATION: A widow who is a heart patient also. She
cleans utensils and earns to fulfill her basic needs.
1) Medical Treatment.
2) House Problem.
1) Medical welfare. 2) House Facility.
Launch of Youth Wing at Aurangabad
On 26th September, 2013
Meat Distribution at Mumbra,
Bhiwandi & Aurangabad during the occasion of Eid Ul Adha
On the auspicious and holy occasion of Eid ul
Adha the WMO YW distributed offerings of meat to our less fortunate brothers
and sisters in India.
Our simple intention was that everybody has the
right to a wholesome meal on this joyous occasion.
Our sisters Zuveria Motiwala and Masheela Naviwala
made innumerable animal sacrifices and distributed meat in Aurangabad.
Zuveria has targetted orphanages and madrassas
where there are mostly girls.
Masheela distributed meat in the rural reigon
around Aurangabad where the living conditions are even more deplorable.
Then there is Nazia Pakizawala, Samina Gazi and
Rizwana Musani our dynamic youth wing team from Akola, who made animal
sacrifices and put food on the table for those afflicted with poverty in and
around Akola
Not to be left behind the Mumbai contingent have
made animal sacrifices in areas such as Mumbra, Govandi, Byculla and Bhiwandi.
All these townships have dense Muslim population living below the poverty line.
A special mention of Shehzad, Riyaz, Javed, Imran,
Suleman,Parvez, Shoaib and Saima who made monetary contribution for the
sacrificial animals in Mumbai.
Cannot forget Erum who made an individual sacrifice
from the Govandi area and herself distributed meat under the WMO YW banner.
We are so proud of all our members of WMO YW specially
the youth team of Aurangabad and Akola comprising of Irshad, Mirzana, Ibrahim
and Naziya, Samina and Rizwana who were present at the site of the meat
distribution and themselves interacted with the poor.
The WMO YW members have all joined hands for this
wonderful cause and fulfilled their obligation towards the community and
May Allah Swt reward them for all their endeavours
as it is all for HIS pleasure.
Event conducted by Youth Wing at
On 14th October, 2013
An event was sponsored and organised by our dynamic teammate of
WMO YW, Zuveria Motiwala at Aurangabad.
The participants were girls from families afflicted with poverty. These girls
train at the 2 institutes run by Zuveria in Aurangabad. One institute is under
the banner of honhaar beti and the other is under the banner of WMO.
The institutions run complete diploma course for a minimum fees. Those well
dressed girls are her students as well and they are showing their talent to the
audience .
All the dresses are designed and made by the girls, themselves in the
A big round of applause for these gifted girls for putting up such a fine show
and a pat on the back for Zuveria for encouraging these less fortunate girls to
shine in the world.
Master Chef Programme conducted by
Youth Wing at Akola (Maharashtra) On 1st Noveber, 2013
"There is no sincerer love than the love
of food."
George Bernard Shaw
WMO YW Akola team conducted memon junior MASTER
CHEF competition on 1st nov. 2013 at KMT hall, Akola.
It was a joint effort by the entire team of Samina
Gazi, Naziya Pakizawala, Rizwana Musani and Sumaiya Amir.
Girls of the age group between 11 and 16
participated in this competition.
The illustrious judges were Mrs Chhaya Vinay Ahire,
wife of respected head of transportation of Akola and Mrs Amina Shakil ,
principal of Suffah English High School ,Akola.
The event was attended by the creme de la creme of
the memon community of Akola.
The little girls put up an impressive show and made
a range of mouth watering and sumptuous dishes which made it very difficult to
judge the winners.
The first prize winner was Aksa Musani, 2nd prize
went to Nida Gazi and 3rd was Zoya Bhurani.
Congratulations to the winners and all the
participants who made a fantastic effort.
The main aim of this event was to display the
wonderful culinary talent of our young memon girls.
A pat on the back to our WMO YW team for
encouraging the young girls and holding such innovative competitions which
allow the girls to shine in their respective fields.
"Cooking is like love. It should be entered
into with abandon or not at all."
Thanks for spreading the Love……..

Inauguration of Boys Youth Wing at
AKOLA (Maharashtra)
On 3rd November, 2013
Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and
collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.
This is a wonderful and apt quote for WMO YW
I had the privilege to attend the launch of the
boys wing of the WMO YW in Akola on the 3rd of November at KMT hall.
We are very grateful to our host Mr. Bilal Thekiya
for organising this fabulous event.
I was in the esteemed company of Mr. Iqbal Officer
(WMO YW Mentor), Mr.Asif Khatri (WMO YW Guide) and Mrs.Masheela Naviwala (WMO
YW deputy chairperson).
Our dynamic ladies team of Rizwana Musani and
Samina Gazi were present along with its newest addition, Sumaiya Amir. We
sorely missed the presence of Naziya Pakizawala at the event as she had to
attend to her ailing grandmother in Aurangabad.
Mr. Wahid Musani did a fabulous job and got so many
enthusiatic youngsters of Akola together to form the boys team of the WMO YW
I had the pleasure of meeting so many young, gifted
boys with such wonderful, innovative ideas and plans for the WMO YW.
It was such a joy to see the future of WMO in such
capable hands.
After cataract surgeries, meat distribution to the
needy in Eid and the delectable Master Chef programs done in a span of just one
The ladies wing of the WMO YW has set a very high
benchmark for the boys. They have raised the bar and taken the game to an all
new level. It will be a tough ask for the boy's but I have been promised that
they will outshine the girls.
Large pool of talent, infective enthusiasm,
unbelievable motivation and total inspiration.
Akola Rocks………………..
Free Eye Cataract Operation Camp conducted
by Youth Wing at Akola
The gift of
sight is most precious.
Akola is a town located around 600 kms from
Mumbai in the north of Maharashtra, India.
The WMO YW team in Akola comprising of Naziya,
Rizwana and Sameena came together to get our less fortunate sisters in Akola
operated for cataract.
I am glad to say their vision is restored and so is
the vision of WMO YW to step up to the plate to serve our community and
May Allah Swt give us the strength to carry on the
good work as we join hands for many more worthy causes across India, under the
WMO YW banner, in the near future.
Proposed Programme of Youth Wing
One Fist of Rice
Memon Organization Youth Wing
SUBJECT: “Just One Fist of Rice”
One Fist of Rice" is a charitable initiative started by the WMO Youth
Wing, Mumbai.
aim to reduce poverty and fight hunger by getting people to donate just one
fist of rice once a week. This might sound like a trivial amount, but even the
mighty oceans are formed from tiny droplets.
one fist of rice per person per week from a mid sized housing society can
potentially feed a 100 people for a full day! Now imagine the effective scale
at which we would be fighting hunger if multiple housing societies practiced
all of this will not be possible without the consent and active support of the
select days of the week, a covered collection container will be placed near the
reception desk. Every family member from every house will be encouraged to
voluntarily deposit his/her fist of rice within this period. At the end of the
collection period, the rice container will be collected by an assigned
charitable institute that we have tied up with, such as an orphanage or an old
aged home located close to that society. Alternatively, suggestions for any
other such institute that the society members may want to donate to are also
order to make this movement successful, we would need consent for our volunteers
to distribute pamphlets from door to door and explain the working of the
program and encourage and convince the society members to be an active part of
the movement. We will need permission to put up posters that will encourage and
remind people to donate their quota of just one fistful of rice for that week.
of our volunteers are members of your housing society and are active
contributors to this initiative. They can work closely with the building staff
and the society to ensure the smooth functioning of the movement.
hope to bring this joy and satisfaction of giving to the society members and
make this world a better place to live in One Fist of Rice at a time.
for a positive response. WMO Youth Wing